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The Senses Project

Communication & Social Skills

Understanding 'what communication is', is the first step to begin connecting with other people. During this workshop you will practice reading body language, facial expressions, uncomfortable conversations, and so much more. We will support you to reflect by yourself and in groups on your own skills and set get goals as you progress through the 10 weeks.

From £285 Per Person

Dealing with challenges is hard for us all. The key is understanding what is happening during that time, learning to recognise our emotions, and developing our emotional literacy. From here we will work together over the 10 weeks to identify strategies for how you will take responsibility for how you react to challenges, and manage your emotions in a positive way.

From £285 Per Person

Getting in to work is about so much more than getting paid. It's about confidence, purpose, and feeling you're achieving. It's also about your relationship with the company, customers, colleagues, managers and the job. We will practice interviews, role reversed interviews, CV writing, and reflecting on how you, personally, will make work a sustainable next step.

From £285 Per Person

During this workshop you will be introduced to, and start developing, your core daily living skills. You will start learning how to keep a safe living space, We will introduce you to budgeting, understanding a tenancy agreement, and communicating with different agencies.

From £285 Per Person

Dealing with Challenges

Employable Skills

Independent Living Skills

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